Roadside Assistance Add-Ons Every Driver Should Consider

Roadside assistance is an option offered by automobile companies as well as cell phone companies. It offers drivers the ability to have someone assist if there is an emergency. Flat tires, dead batteries, and no fuel are just some of the assistance options available. Many companies are now offering add-ons to their basic bundles and plans. If your roadside assistance provider is offering add-ons for your service, here are a few you should consider. 

Extra Mileage

One of the issues some drivers may have with their current roadside assistance is the towing mileage. Some companies only cover your car being towed up to the first five to ten miles. If you know your typical traveling route is farther from your local mechanic, you may want to consider extra mileage. These mileage packages can run from additional five miles and up. Keep in mind, mileage for a tow truck can be one of the more expensive options. If you do travel a great deal, however, it may be an ideal addition to your current plan. 

Fuel Delivery

Fuel delivery is standard on many roadside assistance programs. The amount is usually one gallon of gas. Some companies are now offering an upgrade to five gallons of gas. This can be a huge assistance if you are on the interstate or if you are a fair amount of driving time away from the next gas station. If you travel often and you travel long distances, a fuel delivery service or an upgrade to your existing service could make a huge difference. 

Battery Upgrades

There are times when your battery dies. This usually can be helped with a jumpstart from another actively working battery. In some cases, your battery may be completely dead. This means you would have to buy a new battery to replace your current one. Some roadside assistance companies have upgraded their services or started offering add-ons to cover a new battery. These add-ons can be expensive, but well worth it for the peace of mind they bring. 

If you are ready to upgrade your roadside assistance package, contact your provider. They can upgrade you to a new bundle either online or over the phone. They can also make you aware of their additional features that may enhance your assistance package. If you have questions or if you have a specific roadside need, discuss them with a roadside assistance representative. They can answer questions and help you find specific services if they are available.
